Bernese Enterprise Award: excellent timber construction architecture


The office Halle 58 Architekten, with which Timbatec has been cooperating for years, has received this year's Bernese business award "New Energy". One reason that the jury awarded the prize to the architectural office is the Oberfeld timber housing estate in Ostermundigen. Timbatec was responsible for the structural analysis of the project, among other things. Timbatec warmly congratulates Halle 58 Architekten on winning this year's Bern Enterprise Award.

Bernese Enterprise Award: excellent timber construction architecture

The office Halle 58 architects Halle 58 from Bern and Timbatec have already realized several realized several sustainable buildings together. These include the Arborea apartment building in Köniz, which was completed in 2017. which was completed in 2017. Another joint project was the Oberfeld housing estate in Ostermundigen.

The three buildings of this housing estate were built above the above the basement level. The special thing about the Oberfeld housing estate: The settlement, built in 2006 as a pioneer building of the 2000-watt society with about 110 apartments, is completely self-sufficient. The energy concept goes as follows: In summer, energy is collected and stored in the ground, so that the Oberfeld residents can use it in winter. Other joint projects between Timbatec and Peter Schürch of Halle 58 Architekten are currently in the works.

Halle 58 Architects fully committed to Swiss wood
Halle 58 Architects' commitment to more sustainability in building has now been rewarded: At the end of June, the Bernese office, together with two other firms, was awarded the Bernese "New Energy Energy" business award. The entrepreneurial initiative "New Energy Berne" has awarded the prize this year for the fourth time.

Among other things, the architectural firm impressed the jury with its sustainable with its sustainable and long-term corporate philosophy. For example, for example, the Bernese office stipulates that only Swiss wood is used wood is used exclusively and that local craftsmen are preferred when local craftsmen are preferred. According to the jury, the architecture firm's projects make a valuable projects a valuable contribution to the energy turnaround.

More information about the award you can find here.


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